ABWS E-Store

If you prefer to not order through Paypal send Checks or Money Orders to:

Antique Barbed Wire Society
1475 Paseo Maravilla
San Dimas, CA 91773-3908

If residing outside of continental United States please inquire for additional shipping and handling costs before ordering. (See section 6 below for online payments.)

Section 4: ABWS Membership

$25.00 per year domestic

$35.00 per year international

Section 5: Advertise in "The Collector"

Contact the editor to reserve space before purchasing advertising.

For Display Advertisements, contact the editor for rates.

Business Card Ad - $12.00 Annual (6 issues)

Display Ad - Size and Rates Vary (per issue)

Section 6: Additional Payments

Add a payment for international freight charges (please call or e-mail in advance for amount) or make a donation to support the Antique Barbed Wire Society.

Additional Shipping


The Antique Barbed Wire Society makes no representations or warranties, expressed or implied of any kind, with respect to this information, the products, services, or materials offered, sold, or displayed on this website.