What We Do


Each participating organization may appoint a director to the Society board and may replace the appointed director at their own discretion. A director can represent only one entity and he / she shall be a Society member in good standing.

The director shall reply to all correspondence from the Society chairperson, attend Society meetings when possible and report to his / her sponsoring organization as necessary.

The director shall furnish an article from his / her sponsoring organization when called upon by the news editor.

If an organization chooses not to participate, the Society chairperson shall appoint, at his / her discretion, a Director-at-Large to fill the slot of the non-participating organization.

Directors are not required to attend all meetings but must maintain contact with the chairperson or his designated authority.

A director will forfeit his / her position for lack of participation as directed by the chairperson, or majority vote of the directors, and may be replaced any time by the organization that he / she represents.

Organizations and Memberships Represented on the Board of Directors:

  1. The Barbed Wire Collector
  2. California Barbed Wire Collectors Association
  3. Colorado Wire Collector's Association
  4. Devil's Rope Museum
  5. Kansas Barbed Wire Museum
  6. Nebraska Barbed Wire Collectors' Association
  7. New Mexico Barbed Wire Collectors' Association
  8. The Symposium
  9. Director-at-Large #1

Barbed Wire Museum and Association Relations

The Antique Barbed Wire Society will assist the wire museums, The Symposium and all participating barbed wire and related collector organizations. All of the mentioned entities, with their elected and appointed officials, are committed to collecting, displaying, and preserving the history of barbed wire and related items.

The Antique Barbed Wire Society, comprised of representatives of all of the mentioned entities, is committed to promoting the hobby and to establishing a means of world-wide compilation and storage of permanent records, files, pictures, patent data, and all associated information for future referencing through the internet and advanced technology, as it becomes available.

The goals of the Society are to work with all of the entities and to conduct, cooperate, or assist with, but not limited to, the following activities:

  1. Providing Internet access to museum, association, and historical information pertaining to barbed wire and related items.
  2. Establishing an Internet opportunity to procure barbed wire, books, and related items.
  3. Digitizing and documenting current and historical records.
  4. Preparing newsletter access for each entity's news.
  5. Supplying technical assistance with patent information.
  6. Witnessing for court or legal proceedings.
  7. Providing referral services.
  8. Photographing collections for permanent records and registration.
  9. Liquidating and selling estate collections.
  10. Offering appraisal services through The Symposium.
  11. Developing specific guidelines to enhance the hobby.
  12. Maintaining a list of interested collectors.
  13. Obtaining grants, endowments and endorsements.
  14. Communicating between entities.
  15. Advertising and promoting hobby activities. Recording and storing media based articles.
  16. Preserving all records of a dissolving organization.
  17. Locating buyers and/or sellers of collections.
  18. Video recording and microfilming where applicable.
  19. Coordinating efforts in organizing a barbed wire and related item collectors' show.
  20. Presenting educational, hobby related talks.
  21. Arranging storage facilities for barbed wire and related items.
  22. Distributing collections to museums.
  23. Disbursing association / society records for permanent storage.

Barbed Wire Appraisal Services


The appraisal service is approved by The Symposium, Antique Barbed Wire Society, Devil's Rope Museum, and Kansas Barbed Wire Museum.

Official Guide

Value guides are accepted by the sponsoring entities and are used for the pricing of barbed wire, planter wire, fencing tools and related items. The value guides are updated annually at the meeting of The Symposium in October.


Appraisers are knowledgeable in the areas of barbed wire, planter wire, fencing tools and related items, but are not certified with any state or national certification boards or agencies nor are they responsible for any litigation, injuries, or damages that may result. Appraisers are available in varied areas of the U.S.


  1. The customer will pay a fee for appraisal service that will be negotiated between the appraiser and the customer.
  2. The customer will deliver and pick-up items to be appraised or arrange for such.
  3. The appraiser will furnish the customer with an official signed appraisal from along with a copy of the value guide used for the appraisal.
  4. An official record will be kept on file by the sponsoring organizations of all appraisals.
  5. An appraisal for an IRS tax credit requires the completion of special forms and must be approved by the Antique Barbed Wire Society, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.